Monday, April 26, 2010

the brooder box

The first 5 weeks of their lives , the chick have to be well cared for and protected against cold and predators. The best way to do this is to raise them in a brooder box inside a garage , warehouse or other protected area. Our chicks have a large brooder box so they can play around.This prevents them from fighting with each other.The brooder box has a red heatlamp to keep the chicks warm, a waterer and a feeder ( they are allowed to eat as much as they want) and some straw on the bottom .

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

last chick has a name

Thanks to Daniel , our last chick has a name . We will call her Patch.

All chicks are doing very well and growing fast. Once in while we have a little fight but that is normal . They are eating and drinking a lot more than during the first week. Most of the feathers are starting to grow and I expect them to fly next week.

Monday, April 19, 2010

last chick to be named soon....

This poor chick still has no name. But Daniel is working on it

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

our youngest chicken friend...

Jake is barely 2 years old but already a great chicken fan. ( Specially in nugget form) He decide the call his chick " Chickie" . Well that will make it very easy to remember. Jake, come visit your pal soon because , just like you , these chicks are growing up fast.

and here is Bob...

I am sure the other chicks are going to call her Bobbie or Bobbette but Shea insisted on calling her Bob. This one seems to eat less but drink more than the other birds. I am not sure what that is going to lead to. ( Watery eggs ? ) Answer in a couple of months when they start laying.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Lady chicken...

Some chickens are roosters and some chickens are hens . Very few are Ladies ( because pooping everywhere is not very lady like). This little princess is named Henrietta by Avery. It is going to be a match made in heaven. She is very well behaved , soft spoken and gets along with all the other chicks. I have just one question , should we call her Lady Henrietta or Princess Henrietta?
Avery better get back to me quickly.

Dylan's choice.....

May I introduce Peckerina adopted by Dylan.
A very good name for one of the chicks high on the pecking order. Not afraid of anything and always interested in new things to learn. Hopefully she'll be just as good at laying eggs as she is at bossing everyone around.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

names are coming in.....

we have received our first names for our new chicks. Cole has adopted "lovey" a beautiful light brown chick , very sweet but with a mind of her own. This is a picture of Lovey when she is 1 week old. Quite a little lady already.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

the box arrived....

This morning the mail man came a little earlier than usual. He had a nice little box for me with 8 baby chicks. Everyone arrived in good condition and were happy to get out of the little box in their new home. The first 5 weeks our friends will live in a brooder, a temporary house until they can go outside in the real chicken coop. The brooder has a lamp to heat the little fellows, a feeder with special food and a water container.